Laser treatment for fungal nails

Laser treatment for fungal nails

Treating fungal nails with laser therapy is a method increasingly used to effectively combat nail fungal infections.

Here's how such a treatment generally works:

Treatment Sessions: Multiple sessions are usually needed for an effective treatment of fungal nails using laser therapy. During each session, a specific wavelength of laser light is directed onto the affected nails. The laser energy penetrates the nail plate and targets the fungus without damaging the surrounding skin.

Mechanism of Action: The heat from the laser destroys the fungus without causing harm to the surrounding tissue. This process helps eliminate the fungal infection and promotes the growth of healthy nails.

Duration and Number of Sessions: The treatment duration and the number of required sessions can vary based on the severity of the infection and how the nails respond to the treatment.

Aftercare and Results: Following each session, there is often no specific downtime required, and you can continue your daily activities. Over time, healthy nails should start to grow, replacing the infected nails.


  • Sint-Michiels
  • Sint-Andries
  • Knokke